Friday, April 30, 2010

Mother's Day, Father's Day, Life etc

This May would be a back to back celebration of Mother's Day & Father's Day. Mother's Day would fall on 9 May ... Father's Day? I am not really sure but it is in the same month of May, I guess.

I have been writing about Apak in most of my postings but none on my Mak... I will wait for the day @ Mother's Day to write about her.

Suffice for now to put on record that Yah Binti Dahaman, my Mak was a great Mak. She passed away years ago a day before Eidl Fitri.Being the youngest, I was very close to Mak and she really loved me ... Of course she also loved my other siblings being a Mak she was ....

I came across the story of Ganesha, one of the Hindu Gods - quite interesting actually....

The story goes like this ... It was when both Shanmuka & Ganesha, sons of Shiva & Parvati grew up and about to get married. The parents told their sons to compete with each other by going round the world. As a reward, there would be a grand celebration of marriage for the person who managed to achieve the task.

Shanmuka who wanted to win immediately rode on his peacock at great speed while Ganesha thought for a while. He then went to take a bath and went round his parents 7times with utmost devotion and bowed to them.

When asked by Shiva on why he did not even started the journey, Shiva said: " Father, all the worlds are within you two. By going around both of you, I have completed the task of going round the world"...

Ganesha being the cunning and shrewd but most of all being a very respectful son was rewarded in a grand wedding celebration....

So let's ponder for a while and give due respect to our parents while they still around and cite Doa for them if you are in my shoes ....

Till we meet again & smile always ......

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

It's been quite a while since my "Rain" poem. I am out of idea actually ... not in the mood and wart not ... but let me try this:


There it was ... the rainbow - at the edge of the horizon
the colours were so radiant
full of love, tinged with hope.

I tried to chase & catch the rainbow .. its colours
its love & its hope ..
as I came closer it vanished,
as if mocking me ...

It's just a mirage ...
In between breath I smiled though
Mocking me you may
but I will be waiting for another mirage
.... another rainbow - full of love & hope...

And waiting I shall .....

Good nite & till we meet again ....

Monday, April 26, 2010

No Topic - Free Form

I decided not to limit myself to any particular topic in this posting. I will just let my mental faculty flows wherever it wants...

It had been quite a hectic weekend for me. Normally I would just spend my weekend at home after 5 days working like a dog at the office. The last 3 days I (accompanied by Aishah, my wife) was in the thick of action/hustle bustle of Batang Kali, Rasa, Kuala Kubu Bahru & Serendah.

Who would imagine that these sleepy towns would be full of life & activities for the past 1 week... I could not help but browsing through the history of these towns. We may learn few "lessons" from their history...

Batang Kali was also known for its infamous "Batang Kali Massacre /The British My Lai" way back in 1948... Templer set up New Village here in his campaign of winning the "heart & minds" of the Malaya population then ... The damage was done then and the effect could still be felt until now!!!!

Kuala Kubu Bahru (KKB) was where Henry Gurney was murdered - shot dead!!! It signalled the start of the demarcation and alienation of Malayans during those 1948-1960 period ... We have actually being demarcated almost 500 years back by the colonial powers....

Interestingly, there's a small town near KKB known as "Ampang Pechah" ... It was recorded that in 1883 a big flood submerged the settlement and the only monuments survival were a mosque and a Budhist Temple - I think this is what "Muhibbah" is all about!

Looking back Hulu Selangor is definitely full of historical trivia - I would say a very tragic, sad & melancholic episodes perhaps .... But for the past 1 week, there were hope and expectations though the ending may not as what it is expected ....

But one thing I am very sure is the demarcation is not there anymore ... there's no longer any alienation as all races gather together with a common hope & expectations .... Judging by these factors all is not lost ... I am very confident of this .....

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Re Union - SMTI Batch 79/80 [17 April 2010]

It was a hot Saturday afternoon 17 April 2010 at the Royal Perdana Lake Club, Kuala Lumpur. I am referring to the event, the reunion of our batch after 3 decades... That afternoon was hot literally and the event was even hotter!!!

There they were after 30 years - Azahari @ Ajaaiii (it has to be spelt like this in order to really 'feel" the nick name!!!!), Jamil @ Padukang, Duan ... (no nickname here unless he allows me to print it!!!), Niza, Jay Fitri, Hazim, Azmi @ Yob, Azmi Khalid, Julita, Hasimah, Faezah, Ding, Yusri, Raja, Halim, Shafie, Salleh Rose, Berry, Umar, Nan, Norman @ Norm, Megat, Nazri @ Mat Tapi, Nizam, Niza .... and the rest - sorry I couldn't remember your names especially those from Commerce as my mental faculty is a real decay after 30 years!!!

It was fun indeed seeing almost of you after 30 years. I said "almost" as some of us couldn't make it like Nasirudin @ Tojo, Badli @ Big Daddy , Mad Nor @ Beruang, Halim @ Mondok, Harifah (Nizam's wife), Faezah "Chemor", Zihan ... perhaps we could meet up in the next reunion.

Jamil @ Padukang though a bit "quiet" but still has not lost his sense of humour. So do Ajaaaiiii (Note: Azahari, your nickname is getting better & better with more "aaaaa"(s) & "iiiiii"(s)!!!). As for Niza, he is as cool as ever while Azmi @ Yob still sits as the way he sat 30 years back in the classroom. Ding still the typical "China Man" conversing in "Bahasa Pasar" and warts not.... Not to forget Hazim - the handsome guy - still smartly dressed as always.

As for Umar, he still managed to be at the centre of attraction with his jokes and comical humour ... be it sometimes an exaggerated antics though ... Umar being Umar ... he is a funny guy & liked by all ...

I really have to apologise to both Julita & Faezah - they were my class mates!!! - as I couldn't recognise both of you until Julita called & waved at me ... It's too bad that the remaining 2 of your close friends - Zihan & Faezah "Chemor" - were not around... Otherwise the quorum would be completed then!!!! I was about to fall when Hasimah - I think that afternoon was the 1st time I ever had a conversation with her - asked me whether I had gone back to Ipoh to Kak G's house!!! My immediate reaction was how did Hasimah - of all the person in this world and whom I had never talked to even in my school days [Hasimah, sorry as I believe this is correct, eh?] -knew my eldest sister!!! When queried, she told me that she was in the same office as my sister in JKR Ipoh after she graduated from college. What a small world...

It was indeed a great event with fond memories with fond memories which we cherished together back in 79/80. Each of us had our own fun & thrilled moments as students of SMTI .... I wonder whether I have the "courage" to "expose" some of them in my later entries ... I am still coying with the idea since the last time some of us met in February 2010 at PNB Darby Park ....

But 1 thing for sure ... that afternoon brought back sweet memories and most of us behaved liked a 15/16 years old kids!!!!!

To the organisers - Shafie, Norlida, Raja and the rest - congratulations and a BIG Thank You for making it a reality ... You guys had done a really good job!!!!

Till we meet again @ the next reunion guys .... Love you all!!!

P/S - Congratulations also to the new elected office bearers ...

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Post Mortem & Appreciation

Actually I have nothing in specific to post .... Just spending some time reading my earlier postings. It's been quite a while since I first set up my Blog last March.

Looking back, there were quite a number of shortcomings which I will try to improve in due course of time... But I am glad that so far I am able to keep my postings published quite regularly though not as prolific as it should be though...

It is indeed overwhelming to note that I have followers to my Blog - thanks to the 5 @ Tulip, Puspawangi, Sabarina, Sally & of course Norm ... This is my promise, I will "linked" myself to your Blogs soon ... I would be committing a "sin" if I did not also record my appreciation to those who read my postings - my lovely wife Aishah, Saleh Rose, Mohd Noh, Fahmy and the rest .... I really appreciate & cherish the support from all of you.

The "burden" - it's not actually as I love writing - would be to keep on posting the entries for our mutual reading pleasure .....

See you all in my next postings, InsyALLAH yea ....

Monday, April 12, 2010

More on Apak

As in my earlier posting, I wrote that Apak was a teacher .. yup, and he was indeed a good and dedicated teacher. Apart from being a teacher, Apak also did a part time job - which would later turned out to be his almost full time job!!! - he loved fishing.

He would normally go fishing at almost every used tin mine pools at Batu Gajah area late evening (after school) ... he used fishing net and a sampan ... he made his own sampan.The next morning - very early in the morning - he would checked and hauled the net and later sold the fish at the nearby Batu Gajah or Ipoh wet market..

It puzzled and amazed me of how Apak could end up doing this part time job & he did it till almost the end of his life!!! Mak told me that at first it was just a hobby but later it became sort of like an extra income to support the family.

I remember an incident when Apak's car - a very old second hand car - somehow or rather made a rude dash into a mining pool. Apparently he forgot the hand brake on that particular day. Apak insisted on the car being salvaged whereas Mak kept on saying it's not worth it... If you asked me I would agree with Mak hands down at that point of time. It's an old junk anyway ...

But not to Apak.... He insisted & insisted... He managed to get help from the "kampung best divers" to salvage the car ... It took them 2 days to finally salvaged the car using a crane... Mak was her usual self saying that it's not worth it but just let Apak be .... I could still remember Apak was smiling with his eyes flickering when the car was pulled out from the mining pool...

Years later when I was in my teens only did I know why Apak was so persistent in salvaging that old junk... It turned out that Apak had bought Mak a gold bangles @ 4 bangles @ and he kept them in his car dashboard!!!! No wonder ....

On that day he not only managed to salvage the old junk but I would say he managed to salvage his "pride" and of course Mak's love ...

What happened to the car? It was sent to the workshop and never made a return to any of the roads in Ipoh!!!!

Till my next posting ....

Saturday, April 3, 2010

A friend of mine asked me to write something about 'life" ... what life is all about? Quite a heavy topic eh?

I scrambled & look into "Collins Consice Dictionary" ... there it is, "life" means: "the state or quality that distinguishes living beings or organisms from dead ones and from inorganic matter, characterised chiefly by metabolism, growth, and the ability to reproduce and respond to stimuli" ... Phewww! That's long, heavy & full of big words ... especially "the ability to reproduce""!!!! Try this, it also being simply defined as " the period between birth and death" .... which is very short and too curt!!!

Let us try absorb this poem @ "Semangat" by Chairil Anwar who viewed "life" as:


Kalau sampai waktuku
kutahu tak seorang 'kan merayu
Tidak juga kau

Tak perlu sedu sedan itu!

Aku ini binatang jalang
Dari kumpulan terbuang

Biar peluru menembus kulitku
Aku tetap meradang-menerjang

Luka dan bisa kubawa berlari

Hingga hilang pedih dan peri

Dan aku akan lebih tidak perduli
Aku mau hidup seribu tahun lagi."

The above poem was penned by him in March (Note: My birthday Month!!!) 1943. He sure "lives" till now ... his spirit that is.

The other source on "life" is of course from the verses of the Holy Quran ... I purposely touch on this is as the last reference so that it would "lasts" long in my mental faculty...

Firstly, Verses 5-7 Surah 22 [Al Hajj]:

" O mankind! If you doubt about the life after death, remember that We first created you from dust, then from a sperm, then from a leech-like mass, then from a morsel of flesh, partly formed and partly unformed, so that We may manifest to you Our power. We cause to remain in the womb whom We wish for an appointed term, and then We bring you forth as infants; then We nourish you so that you may reach your age of full strength. There are some of you who die young and some who live on to their abject old age when all that they once knew they know no more. You sometimes see the land dry and barren; but no sooner do We pour down rain upon it then it begins to stir and swell, putting forth every kind of beautiful growth in pairs. This is because Allah is the Reality: it is He who gives life to the dead and it is He Who has power over everything, and this is proof that the Hour of Doom is sure to come - there is no doubt about it; and Allah will raise up those who are in the graves."

Other related verses: Verses 28-29 Surah Al-Baqarah; Verses 26-44 Surah Al-Hijr on the creation of Adam; Verses 66-70 Surah An-Nabi.

There you are .... That's what 'life" is all about ... We don't live in an island though I'd love to live in one and just being engrossed with my own self .... Care to join me?

P/S; At about 10.30 PM , I received a text telling me that my old friend, Tn Hj Rozlan Halim passed away in Seremban. He's a great & good Planter ... Al Fatihah