Thursday, November 12, 2015

Pak Menteri Buat Lawak Berdiri Lagi ...

In my earlier posting I wrote about the idiotic and nonsensical statements uttered by our Ministers and parliamentarians ... I thought it would stop there but it seems to be a contagious though.

A few days ago, a picture of a certain Minister having dinner in Sabah went viral . There's nothing wrong having a dinner with the "rakyat" but what's wrong was one of the menu was reported to be "telur penyu" ... Turtles being an endangered species is protected under the law so is the "telur" ... Common sense will tell you that "penyu bertelur dan telurnya menetas menjadi anak penyu" therefore the eggs are also protected under the law. I dare say even a primary school kid knows about this.

However not this particular Minister ... when asked by reporter he said he was not aware that "telur penyu" was served at the dinner which he attended. He even said I did not eat the 'telur penyu" ... If I were to be him, I would stop at that but he chose to entertain us further with his stand up comedy. His last statement was he did not aware there was a law prohibiting the consumption of "telur penyu" ... Aduiiii!!! he might have been over exposed to the program "Maharaja Lawak" over Astro or worst still he might be planning to be a contender in that program when he lost in the next GE!!! talk about contingency plan.

It is sad to note that a Minister at that could came up with such idiotic and unacceptable statement. Being an ex Agricultural Minister, he should know better if not being a Parliamentarian who happened to be the first layer in debating and passing the law in Parliament. If he cares to ask any folk in Bera, Pahang which is his constituency, he will get an answer ... Today I read in the news of a Deputy Minister of Sabah State Government defending this Federal Minister by saying that most probably the "telur penyu" was brought in by outsider ... Malay proverbs aptly describe this as "Sokong membawa rebah" or " Pandai tak dapat ditegur, bodoh tak dapat diajar"  ... Typical of us always bend towards conspiracy theories...

If this is the type of Minister we Malaysians have to endure with in governing our country of 26 million "rakyat" I dread to think of what might become of our country in the future not to mention the poor turtles!!! I wonder whether there is a specific requirements being put up by Putrajaya for being a Minister or a Parliamentarian i.e. he/she must be able to come up with at least 1 or 2 idiotic statements in a month. Judging by what had been uttered by these comedians, that is being the case...

I just do not know whether I want to cry or to laugh every time such incident occurred ... to the people of Bera, congratulations for your votes ... at least, we Malaysians had been entertained by your representative. To the Minister, please read this aloud "ignorance of the law is not a defense ..."

Till we meet again and please spare Malaysians from this continuous horrific state of affair ....   

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Idiotic statements ..... Are we a mere chattel?

About three days ago, a cabinet member and MP (Kota Belut) was reported as urging the "rakyat" in the city to wake up early in the morning so that they could use alternative route thus avoiding paying toll. Not too long a distance ago, another cabinet member who happened to be an ex CEO of our local bank was saying if the rakyat do not like to pay toll then "gunalah jalan alternatif yang lain"...

The same minister/MP (Kota Belud) was also saying that he will be the happiest person if the people "balik kampung tanam jagung" so that the city will not be too crowded and less pollution. In other words, as a minister of "kesejahteraaan bandar" he will happy and "sejahtera"

We the "rakyat" have been hearing all these idiotic statements from our own ministers who were voted by us thinking that as "wakil rakyat" they will voice out our grievances. On the contrary, these parliamentarians acted or rather spoke like comedians - even comedians are better than them.

The "rakyat" are being treated like garbage and as if they are just mere chattel.... Apart from the above statements, just consider the following amongst others:

1. An ex minister was quoted as saying " kalau harga ayam naik, jangan makan ayam" while urging the "rakyat" to change their lifestyle to cope with the rising prices of goods;

2. A parliamentarian who hails from Sabah and known for his "kebinatangan" statements was reportedly used vulgar, innuendo words like the term "bocor" in an obvious reference to womens' menstruation and the latest remark of "anak haram" to his co parliamentarian...

3.  Another MP even used the words "balik tongsan" to his co parliamentarian ... this is racist statement to the core ... no doubt about it!!! Let us "baling" this MP out of the august house ....

I just wonder how long can the "rakyat" tolerate these insults by being dragged around by their noses like a "kerbau" ,,,

I suspect that in order to be a cabinet member it is a prerequisite for him/her to be able to come up with an idiotic statements at least twice a year ... Be a goon or a court jester then you will climb the ladder of Putrajaya fast. On a hindsight, I don't blame these MPs/Ministers as their "Chief" was heard complaining the "rakyat" are being an ungrateful lot in not thanking the "kerajaan bila harga kangkung turun".

We are also to be blamed as we voted these MPs in the GE despite their unbecoming conduct ....  So people please wake up and give them a jolt by not returning them in the next GE .... I pity those voters for not realising they had in actual fact returning clowns and court jesters to our parliament and Putrajaya ....

Good night and please sleep early "nanti nak bangun awal"!!!!

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Rambling about " Bangsa"

On the night of Halloween, the word "bangsa" was eerily used in the euphoria of the JDT team's being crowned as the first South East Asian club winning the AFC Cup. I will touch on this later ...

First and foremost, I have to congratulate JDT for their perseverance also my hats off to all Johoreans. A special congratulations to HRH the Johor Crown Prince who, I would say singlehandedly unite all Johoreans and spearheaded the team to victory. HRH had been and always has been a vocal critic of the national football body, FAM. FAM being FAM always live in denial would just brushed off HRH the Crown Prince criticisms on how to managed the affairs and interests of the national football. With this win, HRH via JDT had shown those "little Napoleons" at FAM on how to manage a football team efficiently and successfully. Kudos to HRH and JDT as well as the Johoreans.

My only concern is that the usage of the "Bangsa Johor" seen at the banners depicting the victorious team. I feel that the usage of "Bangsa Johor" would further complicate our current impasse on achieving the ultimate goal of having a single race i.e. 'Bangsa Malaysia". Nothing had been done to achieve the "Bangsa Malaysia" vision not even from those politicians. I would say the politicians are the biggest culprit of all. Recently, it was reported that " Bangsa Dayak" had been officially recognised as a "race" in Sarawak and the Sabah Government had abolished the column "Lain-Lain Bangsa" in the state's official forms. I am not against these efforts as perhaps they might be taken as a  step to legitimately recognised a certain race and in the Sabah's case, this would "narrow down" the already mass number of races in Malaysia.

In reality, this is not the case. Just take any of the official government forms, the boxes for race are still there with the main races of "Malay", Chinese", "Indians" and "Lain -Lain" are still there. I just could not comprehend what does it mean by "Lain-Lain". It is so insanely alien ... As far as I know - I might be wrong here - could remember no Malaysians of any races had ever just leave those boxes blank and write the words "Bangsa Malaysia" including yours truly. Perhaps I still did not have the political strength to do this.

Back to " Bangsa Johor" ... these two words to my mind will further put a spanner to our goal and vision of being "Bangsa Malaysia". I am afraid after this should Pahang were to win any silverware, ' Bangsa Pahang" would then crop us and just imagine we have thirteen states plus the Federal Territories of KL, Labuan and Putrajaya in this country of ours. I could not imagine the race boxes will become crowded in those forms ....

Just think about it and I parted with a big congratulations to HRH the Johor Crown Prince, JDT and "rakyat Johor" ......