Sunday, May 23, 2010

My Teachers @ Yours too

I am behind schedule ... Just posted a brief re: my Mak & I would dedicate this post to my teachers - they might be yours too ...

I could not really recalled any particular teachers who had a great impact on my life as a student in my early primary years at school ... except for my English teacher (Standard 5 & 6) Mrs. Margaret... of course there were Cikgu Abbas, Cikgu Rosli & Cikgu Naemah who somehow or rather shaped and moulded me for the next battle at the secondary level.

Mrs. Margaret was a class of her own - so "garang" but gentle at the same time. never in my 2 years have I ever heard her spoke Malay - not even when I bumped into her at Ipoh Town. That's how dedicated she was to her being an English teacher.

I was at Anglo Chinese School Ipoh from Form 1 up to Form 4 and here there were abundant of excellent & dedicated teachers not to mention the funny ones!!! I had mentioned in my earlier posting about Mr. Chin (I think that's the name) our English teacher who was so dramatic and full of action in his teaching methodology.

Not to mention the "funny guy" Mr. Dass who taught us History but instead of learning about the Roman Empire/the Spartan we always ended up having a good laugh . He would relate everything in History to the real life characters who we knew - like relating Nero @ the Roman Emperor to - guess who? - our own Head Master!!!!.We couldn't but laugh imagining our Head Master playing violin at the hill overlooking our school while it's on fire ...

Then, the petite & cute Ms. Lam, our Geography teacher - she's as petite as the state of Perlis .... so cute and that's the only reason why most of us - boys - did not "ponteng" her class!!! I would commit a crime if I did not mention Cikgu Mod Noor (Bahasa Melayu teacher), Cikgu Asmah (the other cute Bahasa Melayu teacher),Mr. Yeoh (Modern Maths)...

When I was in Sekolah Menengah Teknik Ipoh @ SMTI (Form 4 to Form 5), Ms. Yip (English teacher) had a great impact on me as a student. Let me try to described her ... She's bespectacled with long hair, slender with long legs with a smiling face. She did not really rely on textbooks but taught English in her own interesting way - we had our Poem Recitation once a week & debates sessions.

Then, we have Cikgu Kassim with his high platform shoes, Mr. Segar (the Disciplinary Teacher), Ustaz Husni with his big bike, Mr. Fan (Physics), Mr. Tan (Survey), and last but not least the "flamboyant" Mr. Tan (Add Maths)...

I met Mr. Tan (Add Maths) at Ipoh Railway Station in 1985 when I was studying at UM and he laughed when I told him that I was doing Law!!! But I could sensed his pride in seeing his student doing OK - considering all those "pontengs" and "tidor" in the classroom.

I may have left a few names as I could not recall all my teachers but wherever they are or might be, I owe them a lot for what I am today...

To all teachers out there - Happy Belated Teachers' Day - My Apak was a teacher so do some of my friends from SMTI, Cikgu Jai, Cikgu Angie and the rest .... Perhaps one day I would write on those who taught me during my college days - interesting & funny lots!!!

Good nite ....

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