Wednesday, April 17, 2013

How "Lembu" made the police job easier ......

I have been keeping a certain clip of an NST Southern Edition for quite some time ... It was about a report on how "lembu" assisted the police in solving the loose end of a crime ... I thought of posting the news in my Blog earlier but hesitated due to the sensitivities of anything to do with "lembu". Some people might "menyinsing lengan" and "angkat kain" when the word "lembu" is mentioned .... At least one particular lady had done so .... But what the heck!!! It began when the Johor Baru police crippled a syndicate specialising in stealing dairy cattle, goats and buffaloes in Johor with the arrest of 22 members of the syndicate. The police also recovered 71 animals but was facing difficulties on how to return the animals to their rightful owners. It was decided that the 71 "lembu" were put at an identification parade after their ear tags were removed. It was reported - it's not me, NST reported - that the police could not believe their eyes when each "lembu" walked towards its owner when its name was called out.... This is an interesting example of an innovative "Rakan Kop" program I supposed. The morale of the story is please do not underestimate the creature we called "lembu". It's proven here that "lembu" could solved a crime ....... perhaps "lembu" might be a lead to an unsolved criminal activities ..... Till we meet again ....

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