Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Music In My Life @ Long Live Rock & Roll et al

Actually the 1st music which I heard & I could recalled was not Rock & Roll .. It was the songs sang by my Mak when I was a small kid. Mak used to 'dodoi" me with these 2 songs... I am not sure whether it's 2 songs or is it 1 instead ..

The lyrics go like this:

"Mendung si mega mendung
Mendung datang dari utara
Termenung jangan termenung

The other (?) song goes like this:

"Angin menderu, dahan jatuh menimpa batu
Hatiku rindu
Orang jauh tak kenang daku
Rinduan ....."

What I am sure is that Ning Baizura did a remake of the later song but sorry Ning! You could not beat my Mak's voice - she wins hands down!!!!

Apart from these 2 songs. I was "cramped" by all those Rock songs. The 1st 2 Rock Bands which were "introduced" to me when I was in my lower primary were Grand Funk Railroad with hit songs "Locomotion" & "We are an American Band" and Deep Purple with so many hit songs. Since then, I became the "deepest" fan of Deep Purple!!!

Then came the 80s Rock Groups like Iron Maiden, Rainbow, Whitesnake, Dio, Magnum, Dire Straits, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath and the likes.

I would say 80s was the era where Rock & Roll esp. the Heavy Metal was at its peak. I was in Form 4 at that time and I could still remember at that time, every now and then there would be Rock Concert by the local bands being staged either at the Perak Stadium @ Kg Simee or at the Indra Mulia Stadium.

The first Rock Concert which I first attended was a concert by Sweet Charity at the Perak Stadium. There we were - a group of teens wearing black T Shirt - it has to be black anyway!!! - in faded jeans, myself, Lan @ Yang, Sobri @ Steam (actually until now I didn't know how Sobri ended up with the nickname!!), Kirdy, Yusni, Akashah & the rest...

We really had a good time that night - head banging et al... The concert normally end at midnight or slightly after midnight so we ended up walking back home as there was no bus service after midnight. It was fun alright.

What I remembered most from the Sweet Charity concert was this .... That night a group of us ran wildly from the seating area towards the stage and was chased by the ever loyal FRU. Among them was a friend of us who I could not recalled his name but that Monday immediately after the concert we started calling him "Sheikh".. Reason being that Monday after the concert we bumped into him wearing "serban (green) & jubah (of all the colours BLACK!!!!)" at our usual "lepak" place @ Ipoh Central Bus Station ...

We sat together with him and Lan @ Yang being the most outspoken among us said to him "Baru je malam minggu hari tu kita "head banging" sama2x!!!" His answer? "Alhamdulillah ... Tapi agak agaknya boleh gak "head banging" sekali sekala ni!!!" We broke into laughter and hugged him ... After that, we did spend "lepaking" time with Sheikh on a number of occasions. Then he was nowhere to be seen after that & my pray is that our "Sheikh" is in good health ... To me it's very good & "cool" of him still "sudi lepaking" with us during those short period of time .......I really hope "Sheikh" would also pray for me & friends!!!!

As I grow older, I do still hear those Rock songs but occasionally - just to re energise myself .... Whatever it is "Long Live Rock & Roll"

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