Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Making It Mandatory To Pass History ....

Recently, our DPM cum Minister of Education announced that it would be mandatory for those who sit for SPM to pass History. This would be implemented in three (3) years from now ....

I could not but totally agree with this proposal ... Well, what is good & make sense would still make sense to me!!! At least this time around ...

It does not matter to me on the notion that History is only recorded/written by the "victorious side" and would be moulded in accordance with the "victorious author"... We could see a lot of such examples of how history is being "recreated" with the defeat of Japan & Germany in World War II and how the State of Israel suddenly appeared in the World History in 1948!!!

In his column in NST @ 26 October 2010 at page 17, Syed Nadzri applauded the Government's decision and I found the article written by him is very interesting and sensible.

He states that " ... While historical facts are sacred, the perspectives can be very subjective. The authors and textbooks will, therefore, be crucial to determine what kind of lessons the students get." This is mainly due to the reason being history provides that avenue for various interpretations and analyses of events.

I consider myself as lucky in the sense that I have the privy of reading books on History (of Malaysia) from various sources - not only the mainstream school text books .... Therefore, I do have my own perception and interpretation on Malaysian History.

The other factor which led to my being looking at History "differently" is of course the influence by my Secondary History teacher, Mr. Dass. He taught and made History interesting and alive - literally that is - one day he would be a Roman Emperor and the next day all of us would be fighting the lion in the Coliseum during the height of the Roman Empire.

The other individual who had a great impact is Prof. Dr. Mohammad Redzuan Othman, currently the Dean of Faculty of Art & Social Sciences, University of Malaya. He actually taught me History when I was taking my STPM at a private Tuition Center called "Institut Sofar" in Ipoh way back in the 80s. He was a lecturer of History at UM then and he was teaching at Institut Sofar as part of his "social & ibadah" obligation, I believe ....

"Cik Gu/Ustaz Redzuan" as we used to call him then taught us history from a different angle. He always gave us Articles from 'History Journals" published locally and overseas to broaden our perspective & interpretation on History ...

The immediate result? By then I became an "incorrigible" critics of the local mainstream History.... and the excellent result in History Papers!!! He he

Many thanks to both of them - Mr. Dass & Prof. Dr. Mohammad Redzuan Othman ... also many thanks to our DPM for the right & timely decision.

Light Banter - Happening In Malaysia Only [Part II]

Let us ponder on the following .....

NST @ 26 October 2010 at page 8 reported that Perlis was the only state to have failed to have all its state agencies audited before the April 30 dateline. Perlis is also "celebrated" as the only State to have got an "unsatisfactory" remark for its delivery performance. These were among the remarks made about Perlis in the 2009 Auditor General's Report on the financial statements and managements of State Governments' Departments, Agencies etc.

I think instead of adopting "1 Malaysia" concept, Perlis State Government is adopting "1 & THE ONLY 1 Perlis" concept!!!! By the way, is it not Perlis is the smallest State in Malaysia? Or is it Melaka? Considering the 'diminutive" size of Perlis, I wonder are there too many State Agencies/Departments in Perlis which somehow or rather caused these sad state of affairs?

NST @ 26 October 2010 at page 14 "At the Dewan Rakyat Yesterday" column quoted a certain MP (please do not bother to guess from which coalition he is from)suggested that another two (2) floors be added to the proposed Menara Warisan Merdeka, bringing it to 102 floors altogether. The proposed Menara Warisan Merdeka is to have 100 floors. His rationale - no pun is intended here!!! - is by doing so, Menara Warisan Merdeka would become the tallest tower in the world i.e. 1 floor taller than the Taipei 101 Tower.

To that particular MP, I would say that those additional 2 floors could make a lot of differences in Ranau, Sabah. That's what "rationale" is to me ....

NST @ 27 October 2010 is dominated by the "By Election" news ....

At page 6, it was reported that Gua Musang became the first - another 1st for Malaysia - constituency in Kelantan to enjoy free WiFi Internet services, involving 30 villages there .... This is the courtesy of the Federal Government under the "Kampung WiFi" programme.

I think by now Gua Musang folks would be saying "Alhamdulillah" .....

Could not wait for the next news in our mainstream media but I bet in a few days time there would be reports on members - or is it the so called "members" - of a certain political party/parties "jumping" around and ending up at the other side of the fence!!!!! Please prove me wrong this time around!!!!!

Let us just wait or shall we not do that?

On a sad note, it was reported that Paul the Oracle dies [NST @ 27 Octobe 2010 at page 16] - this did not happened in Malaysia!!!! Ooops - 1 Malaysia actually .....

Till we meet again ....

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Happy Birthday, My Dear Aishah Hashim @ 21 October 2010

This post is specially dedicated to my wife, Aishah Binti Hashim who celebrated her birthday last 21 October 2010 ....

Aishah ....

It's late by 2 days but I hope I made it up to you by me sending you a bouquet of flowers 1 day earlier from your birthday ... He he ...

Almost half of your life is "spent" together with me and I want say this - it's been a wonderful years being "stuck" (no pun is intended here though!!!) with you, Dear!!!. Thank you for being so patient and very accommodating with me all these years.

Well, I am not the type who is very romantic or who is good in "playing with words" -those poetic words - but I knew deep in your heart you know that I love you so much!!! So, no "pantun"/poem for you, eh! .. I would leave the "pantuns" to our mutual creative friends - Noh, Fahmy, Sally and Haryati ....

I guess that the risk you had taken into consideration when you fell in love ( this is a very contentious and debatable issue - is it you or myself who first being in love? I firmly believe it's you!!!!) with "that rugged boy with "selipar Jepun" and spotted a long hair with faded jeans and black T Shirt with a "Black Sabbath" Rock Band emblazonned on it"!!! I must say it's a very wisdom & calculated risk you had taken, Dear despite your class mates those days calling me "Budak Anak Alam"!!!!!!

As for me, the first time I saw that "lanky - skinny girl with a long straight hair always wearing her trade mark pink overall (agaknya berapa lama tak basuh overall tu!!!), simple but unassuming in her own way, I had made my decision & the rest is history..... So as the "lanky - skinny girl" - gone in history!!!! He he ...

See? That's why I am so grateful for you being so accommodating and patience with me, Dear!!! From those college days right up to now and for years to come!!!!

Be that as it may, This what I wish and want to say ....

Aishah ....

We have been together these 24 years and it had been a wonderful years indeed!!!!

Happy Birthday & love you always!!!!!

My parting remark ... Have patience for the next posting a year from now!!!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

My Friend Syed Hishamuddin Syed Adam @ Abang

His name is Syed Hishamudin Syed Adam and we called him Abang. In fact,the kampung folks in Kg Kota Bahru, Gopeng called him Abang. Perhaps due to his being the eldest in the family. He has two younger brothers - Syed Noh and Syed Murad.

He was in the same class with me when we were in Standard 1 (1970) right up to Standard 4 at Sekolah Kebangsaan Kota Bahru, Gopeng before I moved to Ipoh in 1974.

His father, Syed Adam owned a "kedai kopi" located across the road opposite to "Kedai Runcit Abi" and adjacent to the "Kedai Kopi" was a barber shop also owned by Syed Adam. Yes, Syed Adam was also a barber, the only "tukang gunting rambut" at my kampung...

I remember patronising Syed Adam's barber shop especially when the school holidays ended with Apak... Apak would brought me there with his loyal Honda 70 and we normally ended up "minum teh and makan roti bakar/cakoi" (we called it "Pak Kocok") with "kaya"....

The irony of it is this ... Though Syed Adam was a barber, his 3 kids spotted long hair especially Syed Murad who was about 3/4 years old at that time.

Back to Abang ... As a kid, he was full of imagination and was very hyperactive and quite a "delinquent". Well we were just kids then ...

There were a few antics of Abang which I remember till now such as ....

During PE, instead of "bersenam", he would chased the girls, caught & hugged them .... We actually grew up together and had known each other since pre school so no "hard feelings" actually!!!

There was once during the Art class, we were asked by our temporary teacher - who happened to be my eldest sister @ Fuziah - to draw " Saya & Keluarga Saya Berkelah" -a very typical topic then!!!

As kids, we drew and having grown up within the same kampung ambience, the drawings were more or less the same. It's a must that the drawings should have a mountain as a back ground with clouds here and there with a sun between the mountain range and birds flying in the sky. To top it up there was a plane right at the edge of the clouds!!! The family would be having a picnic by a river - most of us only knew a river and never have we seen a beach anyway - with a kampung house at the back ground and a "crossed" coconut trees at the back of the house or by its side or by the river itself!!! I wonder whether all kids during that era had the same imagination in their drawings!!!!

Abang somehow or rather gone beyond that, there were so many cats in his drawing. I think about 4/5 of them. When my sister asked him why there were so many cats (we knew the family "tak bela kucing pun!!!"), his answer was they are his family. The best part was all his cats' name have the title "Syed"!!!!!

I last met him when he was on duty as the Court Police at the Magistrates' Court, Jalan Duta back in 1990s. I hugged him as we have not met each other for years. I came to know from him he was at that time taking up Arabic Language at IIU (UIA) and taking up classes on Islamic Religion.

He was totally a different person but still the same handsome Abang that I knew - more composed and matured though... The last news that I heard he is currently an Imam at Masjid UKM!!!!

Alhamdulillah & I would surely try to meet him there one day, InsyaALLAH....

You may want to know what happened to Syed Adam ... He eventually closed his "Kedai Kopi" and "Kedai Gunting Rambut" and became the "Ketua Kampung" Kota Bahru before he passed away several years back ... Al Fatihah to him.

Till we meet again ....

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Call of Ka'bah @ The House of Allah & The Qiblah

It's the pilgrimage/Haj season again...

A few excerpts from the Holy Quran:


"O Muhammad, many a time, We have noticed you turning your face towards heaven;now, We shall make you turn towards a Qiblah that will please you. Turn your face (during Salah) towards the Al-Masjid -al-Haram (Ka'bah); wherever you are, turn your face in that direction. Surely, those were given the Book know that it is the truth from their Rabb. Allah is not unaware of what they do..."


"Behold! Safa and Marwah (two hills in the Al-Masjid-al-Haram) are among the symbols of Allah. So anyone who performs Hajj or Umrah (pilgrimage) to the House,there is no blame if one goes around both of them; and anyone who does good voluntarily should know that surely, Allah knows the grateful."


"Remember, when We made the House (the Ka'bah) a center and sanctuary for mankind saying: 'Take the station of Ibraheem as a place of prayer'. We entrusted Ibraheem and Isma'il to cleanse our House for those who walk around it, who meditate in it, and who kneel and prostrate in prayers. Ibraheem said: 'My Raab, make this (Makkah) a secure town and provide its people with plenty of food from fruits, those of them who believe in Allah and the Last Day.' He answered: ' As for those who do not, I shall also provide for them in this life, though in the Hereafter I shall drag them to the torture of Hellfire and in it an evil destination indeed!'"


"Remember, when Ibraheem and Isma'il raised the foundations of the House and prayed: 'Accept this from us, O our Rabb, You are the one who hears all and knows all. O our Rabb, make us both Muslims (submissive to You); and make our descendants, a nation that will be Muslims (submissive to you). Show us our rites of worship and accept our repentance; surely, You are the Acceptor of repentance, the Merciful. O our Rabb, appoint from among them a Rasool who shall recite to them Your Revelations and teach them the Book and the Wisdom, and purify them; surely, You are the All-Mighty, the Wise."


" Complete the Hajj (obligatory pilgrimage to Mekkah) and the Umrah (optional visit to Makkah) for the sake of Allah. If you are prevented from proceeding, then send such offering for sacrifice as you can afford and do not shave your head until the offerings have reached their destination. But, if any of you is ill or has an ailment in his scalp, which necessitates shaving, he must pay ransom either by fasting or feeding the poor or offering a sacrifice. If, in peacetime, anyone wants to take advantage of performing Umrah and Hajj together, he should make an offering which he can afford; but if he cannot afford it, he should fast three days during the Hajj and seven days on his return making ten days in all. This order is for the one whose household is not in the precincts of Al-Masjid-al-Haram. Fear Allah and know that Allah is strict in retribution."


" Hajj is in the well known months. One who undertakes to perform it, must abstain from husband-wife relationship, obscene language, and wrangling during Hajj. Whatever good you do, Allah knows it. Take necessary provisions with you for the journey, and piety is the best provision of all. Fear Me, O People endowed with understanding. There is no blame on you, if you seek the bounty of your Rabb during this journey. When you return from Arafat, (stop at Muzdalifah and) praise Allah near Mash'ar -al-Haram. Praise Him as He has guided you, for before this you were from the people who had lost the Right Way. The return from where the people return and seek Allah's forgiveness; surely, Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. When you have fulfilled your sacred duties, praise Allah as you used to praise your forefathers or with deeper reverence. There are some who say: 'Our Rabb! Give us the good life, both in this world and in the Hereafter and save us from the torment of the fire.' Such people shall have their due share in both worlds according to what they have earned, Allah is swift in settling the accounts. Celebrate the praises of Allah during these appointed days. There is no sin if anyone hastens to leave Mina after two days and there is no sin to stay there a day longer, provided he spends these days in piety. Fear Allah and remember that you will surely be gathered before Him."


"Indeed, the first House for the worship of Allah ever built for mankind is the one at Bakka (Makkah), a blessed site and a guidance for all the worlds. In it a clear signs and the Station of Ibraheem where he used to worship. Whoever enters it, is safe. Performance of Hajj (pilgrimage) to this House is a duty to Allah for all who can afford the journey to it; and the one who disobeys this commandment should know that Allah is Self-Sufficient, beyond the need of any from the worlds."


" Remember! We identified the site of the Sacred House to Ibraheem, saying: 'Worship none besides Me. sanctify My House for those worshippers who make Tawaf (walking counter clockwise around it), stand in prayer, bow, prostrate themselves, and make a proclamation of Hajj (Pilgrimage) to mankind: they will come to you on foot and on lean camels from every distant quarter, so that they may witness the benefits which are made available here for them, and pronounce the name of Allah over the cattle which We have provided as food for them, on the appointed days, then eat their meat themselves and feed the indigent and needy. Then they should accomplish their needful acts of shaving or cutting their hair and taking a bath, fulfill their vows and go for Tawaf -e-Ziyarah to the Ancient House. This was the object for which the Ka'bah was built, and whoever honours the sacred rites of Allah, it is good for him in the sight of his Rabb. The meat of the cattle is lawful to you. except what has already been mentioned to you; therefore, shun the abomination of idols and shun all false statements."

I would like to dedicate this post to my friends who are scheduled to perform their Hajj this year - Norm, Atan, Khiri and to all the Muslim/Muslimat out there.

My sincere "doa" for your health and may all of you perform the pilgrimage in piety and peace, insyaALLAH. I have to admit that I envy you but insyaALLAH my turn will come soon....

Bon Voyage and may Allah bless you all .....

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Galas Oh Galas!!!!!

It is reported that YAM Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah had officially accepted his appointment as the "Pengarah Pilihanraya" for the by election of DUN Galas (N45), Kelantan ... I believe this is out of the norm as it is traditionally an accepted 'convention" in BN that any by election would be headed by YAB DPM - perhaps DUN Galas is special/peculiar since it is in Kelantan? Well, Manik Urai is also in Kelantan - where BN lost by 65 votes - and it was led by YAB DPM so as several other previous by elections nation wide before DUN Galas ....

One thing for sure, it is not for me to speculate .....

DUN N45 Galas fell vacant when YB Chek Hashim Sulaima of PAS died of cancer on 27 September 2010. Below are some trivia re: DUN Galas:

1. Total registered voters @ 11,553
2. Race by percentage - Malays @ 61.67% (7,125), Chinese @ 20.06% (2,317)with Orang Asli (1,889), Indian (185), Sarawak Bumiputeras (10) and other ethnic groups - whatever that means!!! - 27. There are also 127 postal voters.
3. PAS won the last 2008 General Election by a majority of 646 votes.
4. The Election Commission (EC) is expected to fork out RM1.3 million for the by election due to the extensive/topography of the area which is under the Gua Musang parliamentary constituency i.e. under YAM YB Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah
5. The youngest voter is 21 and the eldest 111.

I am not going to delve on the politics of DUN Galas ... Leave it to the politicians as they are the "political animals" here... I just want to touch on the linguistics/semantic aspect of the word "Galas"

According to "Kamus Dewan" (Edisi Ketiga) DBP KL (2002), "galas" means "kayu yang dipikul untuk mengandar (mengangkut, membawa) barang-barang, kandar, pengandar, gandar" (carrying something by suspending it from both ends of a pole that is resting on the shoulder) or " beban yang dikandar dengan galas (kayu)".

Meanwhile the same "Kamus Dewan" states the meaning of "menggalas" as " memikul barang-barang dengan galas (kandar)", "mengandar" or "memikul atau menanggung (tanggungjawab, masalah dsb)...

There are several "peribahasa Melayu" which revolve around the word "galas" - I stand to be corrected if I am wrong in quoting these "peribahasa" - , they are as follows:

" galas habis senggulung tandas, namun dihitung rugi jua" which means " pekerjaan yang tidak menguntungkan";

" dilihat galas berlaba, dihitung pokok termakan" which means " zahirnya untung tetapi sebenarnya rugi";

" bagai menyandang galas tiga berat tak berapa rintangnya yang lebih" meaning " pekerjaan yang senang tetapi susah hendak melakukannya."

Well, it is up to you to interpret and/or use the above linguistic terms as an analogy to DUN Galas .....

Lastly, is it not there is also a "peribahasa Melayu" which goes like this? - "Seperti menggalas biawak hidup" ... Care to give me the meaning of this "peribahasa"? .....

Good night & till we meet again .....

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Adil - Graduation Day @ PICC Putrajaya 7 October 2010

It is only appropriate for me to say "Alhamdulillah" as today (7 October 2010), Muhammad Adil Ridhuan graduated with his Diploma in Engineering (Electronic)from BMI (UniKL)...

As parents, Aishah & I are very proud of him ... It is just unbelievable the same boy which officially registered as a Malaysian about 22 years back at the Sea Park Police Station has grown up!!

As Aishah & I entered the PICC Planetary Hall, I could not but felt so proud and a bit melancholic ... In 1989 (September), I was at the Dewan Tuanku Chanselor (DTC) UM for my convocation. Mak was there and Adil was also there - he was about a year old - plus Aishah. Aishah accompanied Mak in the DTC as Apak passed away the year before despite his confidently remarked that " InsyaALLAH, Apak umur panjang... Apak datang konvo kamu nanti!!".

Back to Adil as today is his day actually. What can I say about him?

Adil was born when I was in my final year and I could still remember when I went to the faculty for my Final Year Result, I had to bring him along. Aishah just joined the AG Chamber at that time and could not get leave. As I reached the faculty, Adil was grabbed by my classmates - Sally, Zu and afew others -, I finally managed to locate him at Puan Badariah's room!!!!

Adil grown up just like other normal kids - with lots of imagination ... "Ultraman dgn raksasa" and how he adores Batman when he was a kid!!! And without us noticing it, voila!!! he went through the primary, secondary & college. This was of course after seeing & guiding him from day 1 till he could make adecision on his own ...

There was one incident that until now I found it quite amusing.... Adil was about to sit for his PMR the next day and that night about 9.00 PM, Aishah asked him: "Adil. esok periksa PMR kan? Dah ada alat2x tulis pesel 2B?"

His answer? "Alamak!!! Lupa beli laa Mak!!!". That was 9.00 PM something and the next morning was his first paper!!! I just grabbed him - before Aishah said anything further - and bought "10 batang pensel 2B" together with a sharpener!!!

Today, Aishah & I are very proud of him - I trust Nadia & Afiq are of the same feeling too - and to Adil, I would like to say this:

"Adil, congratulation. This is just the beginning of your journey and always do your best in everything you do then you would worry with the impending result/achievement...."

My parting remark - luckily after that PMR incident, Adil need not use "pensel 2B lagi!!!!"

Monday, October 4, 2010

Dikir Barat Anyone?

As I was reading Mingguan Malaysia (3 October 2010), I could not but amused seeing picture at page 4 of the said news paper ... It shows the top Terengganu leaders - the MB, the Home Minister cum "Pengerusi Badan Perhubungan UMNO Negeri Terengganu and the Head UMNO Jerteh Division plus other State UMNO dignitaries performing Dikir Barat at Dataran Putra, Jerteh. This was during the Eidl Fitri Open House in Jerteh.

I have to thank them as I scurried through notes & articles on Dikir Barat .... Here briefly on what Dikir Barat is all about ....

Dikir Barat is said to be originated either from Southern Thailand or Kelantan. It was a performance in a musical form and involves singing in a group of normally 10 - 15 members. Normally there would be two (2) opposing groups performing and each of the group would try to outwit each other. Simply said, it is performed in a competitive setting/environment ... It's actually a " duel of wits" !!!!...

Dikir Barat is divided into two (2) segments with the 1st segment led by "Tok Jogho" which feature the "awok-awok" (chorus) singing in unison with other members of the Dikir Barat group with Tok Jogho. This is the low key segment.

The highlight of the Dikir Barat performance is in the 2nd segment featuring "Tukang Karut". "Tukang Karut" is the opposite side of "Tok Jogho" as he is the creative leader of the Dikir Barat group. He composed his rhyme in a debate manner and normally would touch on the current issues - be it social, political issues. These issues are composed in rhymes which are satirical, sarcastic or even (simply) humorous ....

Now now, let's go back to Dataran Putera, Jerteh ....

I really hope - in Terengganu at least - the Dikir Barat performed there did not strictly conform to the "ideal" features/characteristics of Dikir Barat in the strict sense ....

By looking at the jovial faces of those State of Terengganu leaders, my inference is - I hope I am politically right in this - it was not performed in a competitive environment and it was not a "battle of wits" of trying to outdone each other. Most important of all, there was no "Tukang Karut" among them!!!!

If I were wrong, the next question is - "Who is the Tok Dalang here?"

Till we meet again with an entry on "Wayang Kulit", I guess ....

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Light Banter - Happening in Malaysia

Nothing much to post actually except for ..

A local Bank & it's "sister" Islamic Bank in its promo of new product promised gifts in a double @ two (2) ... So everything would be in a double if you transact with that particular Bank.

Actually, it's not the first time, we experienced this "double" phenomena. My home state - Perak - recently had 2 MB & 2 Speakers!!! Back in the 80s, the people of Sabah was in a state of confusion when the leaders from 2 opposing political parties - Berjaya & PBS - claimed victory hence claiming to be the CM of the state of Sabah ... It ended up with Pairin being officially appointed the CM of Sabah with the "politically correct" interference by Tun) Musa Hitam, the then DPM. The Star - this was the Star before Operation Lalang in 1987 - declared (Tun) Musa Hitam as the 'Malaysian of the Year" due to this and I would say rightly so!!!

About 2 days ago, a few journalists from the mainstream media were reportedly being prevented/banned from attending the press conference at Komtar when the Penang Water Authority announced the increase in the water tariff in the state of Penang. I heard over TV3 (8 o'clock News) that the journalists were later boycott the press conference.... Now now ... unless it was wrongly reported, my comment is that how could they boycott the said conference when they were not allowed to attend it in the first place!!!!! This is what I called a "mainstream confusion"!!!!!

For the folks in Pagoh, Johor ... good news for them in a spate of two (2) days. It was reported on 24 September 2010 (NST page 4) that the International Islamic university (IIUM) would be opening a fourth campus in Pagoh. This is not only for the benefit of Pagoh folk but also for the rest of the 1 Malaysia bright students...

The on 27 September 2010 @ NST page 5, it was reported that Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Bukit Pasir in Pagoh is the ONLY school outside the Klang Valley which is in the SchoolNet project - how lucky they are!!!!

While the IIUM project is quite broad based/national level but the Sekolah Kebangsaan Bukit Pasir project is localised .... Is it a coincident that Pagoh is the Parliamentary constituency of YAB DPM who also the Education Minister? Well, thank you Sir ....

Lastly but not least, almost all major mainstream media reported the "not so eagerly" awaited announcement by Dato' Seri S. Samy Vellu to step down as the MIC President in January 2011.... Well folks, I have no comments at all on this!!!!!

Till we meet again .....